Every day, Brunel is committed to an inclusive workforce and we understand that Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging are essential for a successful working culture, business, and community. Thus, Brunel takes both a global and regional approach to DE&I. DIB is an important pillar in Brunel’s Global Strategy and we go to great lengths to ensure an aligned vision globally and regionally, because we believe that each region has unique cultural perspectives and our aim is to create an environment that fosters open, inclusive communication. Brunel's goal is to develop programs that increase the diversity of our workforce and the industries in which we operate. To achieve this, we've established 5 key pillars of DIB: 


  • Leading an Inclusive Culture
  • Education
  • Recruiting
  • Developing & Retaining Talent
  • Community Engagement


In today's interconnected world, the importance of DEI recruitment strategies cannot be overstated. At Brunel, we firmly believe that these principles serve as the essential frameworks for achieving true equity in the workplace and beyond. Our commitment to intentionally implementing equitable practices sets us apart as an organization that not only values diversity but actively strives to create a safe and supportive environment for all employees, especially those from marginalized and racialized communities. 

Brunel's DEI Mission

Diversity, Inclusion, Engagement, Trust, Accountability and Belonging remain at our core

Our strength is our commitment to inclusion, with intentional strategies to welcome and uplift historically marginalized identities.
We are dedicated to putting resources and attention toward improving the engagement, retention and succession planning for our talented candidates and clients.

Global Vision Statement

Everyday, we are committed to an inclusive workforce and we understand Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) are essential for a successful working culture, business and community.


To achieve our vision, we ensure diversity and equity practices, strategic initiatives and partnerships, policy development and stewardship, innovation, education, and effective complaint resolution.

Through our commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB), we connect with our specialists to realize their potential and to create a better future for them and Brunel.

Together with motivated and committed colleagues, we have created a DIB community in North America to change the world of work for the better. I am very pleased that this commitment is supported by the Leadership Team and that further DIB councils are now being rolled out across all Brunel regions.

Professional Headshot of Angelina Brathwaite

Angelina Brathwaite

Leader of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging - Brunel North America & 2023 SIA Influencer, North America

Group of diverse professionals working together

Education is key to DIB

Brunel recognizes that employee education is foundational to building a diverse and inclusive culture. To that end, Brunel regularly calls upon DIB experts (both external & internal) to lead training and development programs within our organization. We also provide educational opportunities to our clients and contractors to promote DEI recruitment in the markets we serve.
African American Professional Directing Business Meeting

Recruiting, developing, and retaining talent

Brunel applies Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) practices - and compliance with other applicable local laws - throughout the recruitment and assessment processes. Globally, our Talent Succession & Development plans are routinely and rigorously reviewed as part of this key initiative. 
Group of young professionals volunteering

Creating community

We understand that in order to encourage applications from typically underrecruited communities we need to forge relationships with those communities. We aim to make our job opportunities available and accessible through a range of outreach activities.
diverse professional women talking

Diversity & inclusion mentoring programs

Our Global Head of People & Culture at Brunel is responsible for spearheading the company's efforts in promoting diversity, inclusion, and belonging. This is done in close collaboration with the Board of Trustees and Global Leadership Team, who offer support and guidance to both employees and communities. Additionally, there are dedicated regional committees focused on diversity, inclusion & belonging (DIB), with experienced ambassadors such as Angelina Brathwaite in Canada, a board member of Women of Color in Pharma (WOCIP) and 2023 SIA DEI Influencer.
Young couple and baby

Parental Leave Policies

Brunel advocates and supports equal opportunity and the work-life balance required for all parents. Thus, we follow statutory requirements for paternity and maternity leave for both our employees and the specialists we place on external projects.
SIA 2023 DEI Influencer Logo

Ready to transform your workforce?

Our team in the US is ready to help you drive more inclusive and equitable practices in your business.