About the Brunel Foundation
The Brunel Foundation aims to positively impact People and our Planet by helping create a better future for professionals and a better planet for future professionals. To enable this goal, the Brunel Foundation supports the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) by helping future, young and senior professionals with Autism increase their job opportunities. The Brunel Foundation also helps increase environmental consciousness and sustainability by raising awareness for clean seas and our own CO2 footprint.

We believe everyone who can and wants to participate in the labour market should be given the opportunity to do so. Brunel and the Brunel Foundation have the ambition to support people with autism in finding meaningful employment and in doing so support the UN SDGs. We initiated a partnership with Specialisterne, a non-governmental organisation geared towards including people with Autism in the labour market, to collaborate and support initiatives to make meaningful work more accessible to this talented group.

The Brunel Foundation is taking action for our clean seas by initiating local impact initiatives to reduce plastic waste directly in our oceans, or before they get a chance to reach our waters by cleaning plastic pollution on land. We also help increase environmental consciousness and sustainability by raising awareness for clean seas and our own CO2 footprint. Our oceans are under increasing stress from loss of wildlife, the unbalanced ecosystem and a decrease in our foodsource. A growing problem with a profound impact on our planet's climate. Billions of tons of plastic convergee in huge patches of plastics in our oceans and take up 40 percent of the ocean surfaces. At the current rate, all the plastic in the ocean will outweigh all the fish in all our oceans by 2050.
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We help create a better future for professionals and a better planet for future professionals