Illustration of Renewable Power Sources and Electrical Engineers

Power Up Take Part in the Transition to Renewable Energy


renewable energy


Experienced electrical engineers in the Oil and Gas industry want to transition to renewable power. This desire stems from the global shift towards cleaner sources.

Electrical engineers can easily transition from Oil & Gas to clean energy. This is because they have transferable skills and knowledge, despite some differences between the two sectors. In this article, we will explore some tips for electrical engineers interested in clean energy engineering jobs.

Understand the Different Types of Renewable Energy

To transition to renewable energy, it is crucial to understand various sources such as wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and bioenergy. These sources provide alternatives to conventional energy. By learning about each type individually, you can make informed decision about which subsector you might want to enter.

  • Wind energy harnesses the power of the wind through turbines.
  • Solar energy captures sunlight and converts it into usable electricity.
  • Hydro energy utilizes the force of flowing water to generate power.
  • Geothermal energy taps into the heat stored beneath the earth's surface.
  • Bioenergy involves the use of organic materials, such as plants and waste, to produce energy.


Learning about each of these will help you understand the specific technical requirements and challenges of the different electrical engineering jobs. It will help you find the best renewable energy option for your skills and interests.

Networking with experts in the renewables space is an excellent way to learn about the pros and cons of each subsector. Going to industry events, conferences, and online communities helps you meet professionals and stay updated on renewable energy trends. Don’t miss an opportunity to network by staying up-to-date on the latest Brunel events on our LinkedIn.

Get Familiar with Renewable Energy Technologies

Renewable energy technologies are constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest advances and trends. Before applying for roles in the renewable energy space, learn about solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems. Also, understand the software and hardware used to design and run these systems.

Many colleges and universities also offer certifications and workshops focused on renewable energy technologies. Taylor Hopkinson, our renewable energy partner, has made the transition to offshore wind easier for professionals by providing a free and fully-online Offshore Wind Essentials Training. Renewable energy programs can teach you about these new energy systems and how they are made, installed, and maintained. This knowledge can help you stand out when applying for electrical engineering jobs.


Illustration of Renewable Power Sources with a Large Batter

Brush Up on Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 

Certain electrical engineering skills can be applied in the renewable energy industry. However, there are specific aspects that require a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of electrical engineering. This can include topics such as power electronics, power systems analysis, and renewable energy grid integration. Online courses and workshops can help you refine your engineering findamentals to better apply them in your next role.

Illustration of Person Working on a Laptop At Home

Understand the Importance of Safety and Compliance

Safety is a top priority for electrical engineering jobs, regardless of industry. Knowing safety rules is important. It keeps you safe.

It reduces the chance of accidents like electric shocks, fires, or arc flashes. Compliance with safety standards also guarantees adherence to legal requirements, preventing potential legal consequences. Moreover, it protects expensive equipment used in renewable energy systems from damage caused by electrical faults or improper handling.

Following safety rules keeps people safe, avoiding accidents that could cause power outages or equipment problems affecting many. It also helps mitigate environmental hazards, such as pollution or fires, aligning with the sector's sustainability goals. By prioritizing safety, engineers establish a strong professional reputation within the industry, highlighting their commitment to ethical engineering practices.

Ultimately, knowledge of safety regulations empowers electrical engineers to work efficiently and responsibly, fostering success in the renewable energy sector.

As an experienced electrical engineer, you probably know the strict safety rules in the oil and gas industry. Renewable energy jobs need workers to follow safety rules. Candidates who possess a strong understanding of these rules enhance their chances of getting hired.

To gain an advantage in changing industries, attend training programs for renewable energy safety and following rules. Groups like SEIA provide training and certification for renewable energy systems, including safety, installation, and maintenance. Brunel also offers its contractors structured training programs to ensure proper implementation of all our Health and Safety policies.

Learn about Environmental Regulations

Apart from safety regulations, renewable energy engineering jobs require compliance with a variety of environmental regulations. These regulations are designed to minimize any negative impact of renewable energy projects on the environment.

Electrical engineers with experience in the oil and gas industry may have background knowledge of regulations related to air and water quality. While this knowledge can also be applicable to the field of renewable energy, there are regulations that are specific to the different renewable energy subsectors. Understanding these environmental compliances can be beneficial for job-seekers and any certifications are great to include on a resume.

Illustration of Concept of Improving the Environment


In conclusion, transitioning from oil and gas to the renewable energy sector can be a rewarding experience for electrical engineers. Electrical engineers can ease their transition by learning about various renewable energy types, technologies, electrical engineering basics, safety regulations, and environmental rules.

In addition to these tips, networking with experts in the field and attending industry events and conferences can also help to keep abreast of the latest trends and opportunities in the sector. As the world shifts to cleaner energy, electrical engineers can help create a sustainable future for generations to come.

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