
Both onshore and offshore wind will see explosive growth in the coming decade. Learn more about the pros and cons of onshore and offshore wind power, including how each works, their usage in the global energy marketplace, and why both will play an important role in the global energy transition. 

According to Statista, global wind power capacity reached 743 GW in 2020, up from 650 GW in 2019 despite delays on projects due to COVID-19. The exponential rise of wind power installations demonstrates its growing popularity around the world.

Driven by advances in technology and global policies fighting climate change, wind power is becoming more financially sustainable. China and the USA remain the world’s largest wind power markets, with countries in the UK and Europe, North America, and India also driving the trend at a rapid pace.

For an overview of the global wind power market, take a look at this video from the Global Wind Energy Council:

The Global Wind Market

How does wind power work?

Wind turbines work when air turns the carbon-fiber blades attached to the units. The blades are connected to a motor, which turns kinetic energy into electricity. The energy is transferred to a gearbox, which converts the slow spinning of the blades into a high-speed rotary motion. This then turns a drive shaft quickly enough to power an electric generator.

Traditionally, onshore wind turbines dominated the market, however, in recent years, advances in technology have led to the development of offshore wind farms.

For more information on the history of wind power, take a look at our post on how wind turbines have evolved.


What is onshore wind? 

Onshore wind power refers to turbines located on land rather than over water. They are typically located in sparsely-populated areas with low conservation value. According to the International Energy Association, onshore wind electricity generation increased by 12% in 2019. Capacity additions also grew by 22% after stagnating for a couple of years.

Take a look at this video on how onshore wind farms work:

How Do Onshore Wind Farms Work?

Advantages of Onshore Wind

Besides the obvious advantages of sustainability, what else is advantageous about onshore wind? 

Less expensive

The infrastructure required for onshore wind power is significantly less expensive than what’s required for offshore wind. In some cases, it’s half the cost and can provide investment payback as quickly as two years. It’s also the least expensive form of renewable energy compared to solar and nuclear power sources, which means it’s more affordable to consumers. Because they’re cost-effective, onshore wind farms tend to be larger, producing more energy per site.


Shorter cables

With less distance between the turbines and the consumer, there’s less voltage drop-off in the cabling


Quick installation

Onshore wind turbines are quick to install and can be constructed within a few months, unlike other energy sources like nuclear power stations, which can take over two decades to build. When in operation, onshore wind turbines also have low maintenance costs.


Low impact on surroundings

Onshore wind farms have less physical impact on their surrounding areas. Toxins aren’t released, the site can be farmed around, and there’s very little impact to wildlife.


Disadvantages of Onshore Wind

Varying wind speeds

The speed of onshore wind turbines is somewhat unpredictable. Because wind speed and direction vary on land, achieving consistent power generation can be challenging. As a result, wind speed and direction need to be carefully monitored to plan for energy generation.

Potential wind blockages

Physical blockages from buildings and surrounding landscape like hills or mountains can also cause production inconsistencies. For this reason, onshore wind can’t produce energy year-round and can only achieve around 2.5 MW, compared to offshore wind’s approximate 3.6 MW.

Intermittent energy

Because onshore turbines don’t run year-round, they require fossil-fuel backups when the wind speed is slow. As we come to rely more heavily on wind farms for our energy, increasing amounts of fossil fuels will also be required.

Visual and sound factors

Onshore wind farms can be an eyesore on the landscape. Wind turbines that are built on high ground to generate more power can be imposing on surrounding residential areas. Wind turbines also aren’t silent, meaning they cause noise pollution if located near a residential area. To illustrate, up close, a wind turbine sounds like a lawnmower.

Overall, the advantages of onshore wind and the sustainable energy it can create outweighs the potential disadvantages. 

offshore wind3

What is offshore wind? 

Offshore wind power refers to wind farms that are located over shallow open water, usually in the ocean, where there are higher wind speeds.The term ‘offshore wind’ can also refer to inshore water areas like lakes and fjords. Most offshore wind farms use fixed-foundation wind turbines in shallow water. However, as technology advances, wind farms will be able to be built over deeper waters. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, offshore wind will surge to over 234 GW by 2030, led by Asia-Pacific.

Check out this video for an overview of how offshore wind power works:

How Does Offshore Wind Work?

Advantages of offshore wind

More energy generated

Offshore wind speeds are typically faster than on land, and even small increases in speed can produce large increases in energy generation. As such, fewer turbines are needed to produce the same amount of energy as an onshore turbine.

More wind consistency 

Wind speeds offshore don’t vary as much and the wind direction doesn’t change as often, so offshore turbines are more consistent (meaning more reliable power generation).

Less visual impact

Offshore turbines don’t have as much visual impact as those on land. They don’t interfere with land usage, and there are no physical obstacles that can interrupt the wind flow. For this reason, offshore wind farms can be made larger and generate more energy than those onshore, with less physical impact.

Bigger turbines

Offshore turbines can also be built taller than those onshore, which means they can harness more wind energy and produce more electricity.

Disadvantages of offshore wind

Higher cost

Creating the infrastructure for offshore wind farms can be expensive and complex, especially over deeper waters. 

Maintenance & repairs

Sea waves and very high winds can damage turbines, so they need more maintenance than their onshore counterparts. Offshore wind farms are also difficult to access, which means longer wait times for repairs. 

Noise & visibility 

The underwater noises from turbines can impact fauna and other marine life. Further, not all offshore wind farms are built out of public view. Some are built within 26 miles of the coastline, so can still be an eyesore for local residents. 

Less local jobs

Unlike onshore wind farms, those offshore have a limited capacity to benefit local economies. As the manufacturers’ offices are situated inland and often far away from the offshore site, jobs aren’t created in the local community and other investments aren’t made.

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Preventieadviseur niveau 2

undefined: Zwijndrecht

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Health, Safety, Environmental & Quality

undefined: 3 undefined

Voor een toonaangevend bedrijf dat actief is in de hoogspanningssector en onderdeel is van een internationale multinational, streven wij naar uitmuntendheid op het gebied van energie-infrastructuren. Met als doel betrouwbare en innovatieve oplossingen te bieden voor de uitdagingen van de energietransitie, zoeken wij ter versterking van ons team een gedreven Preventieadviseur Niveau 2. In deze sleutelpositie draag je bij aan de uitbouw en standaardisering van onze veiligheidsprocedures en help je mee aan het bevorderen van een sterke veiligheidscultuur binnen het bedrijf. VerantwoordelijkhedenAls Preventieadviseur Niveau 2 ben je verantwoordelijk voor een breed scala aan veiligheidsgerelateerde taken, waaronder:Standardisering van Veiligheidsprocedures: Ontwikkelen en documenteren van uniforme veiligheidsprotocollen en -procedures.Toolbox Meetings: Organiseren en faciliteren van toolbox meetings om het veiligheidsbewustzijn onder de medewerkers te verhogen.Presentaties en Rapportage: Voorbereiden en presenteren van veiligheidsanalyses en -rapporten aan het management, met een focus op change management in veiligheid.Site Bezoeken: Regelmatig bezoeken van werklocaties om veiligheidscontroles uit te voeren en directe interactie met alle medewerkers op de site te hebben.Advies en Ondersteuning: Fungeren als aanspreekpunt voor veiligheidsvraagstukken en adviseren over preventieve maatregelen.

QA Follow-up manager

undefined: DOEL

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Cost Control & Procurement

undefined: 1 undefined

Als QA manager is het belangrijk dat je de technisch voorbereiden, behandelen en opvolgen van aankoopdossiers voor componenten en wisselstukken, vanaf de vraag van de klant tot de ontvangst en vrijgave in het magazijn bij levering op zich neemt. Hierbij wordt er nauw samengewerkt met de aankoopdienst en wordt de onlinebehandeling van QA-bestellingen volgens afgesproken modaliteiten binnen de dienst Component Supply Management verzorgd. Gelukkig kunnen we ook op jou rekenen bij het:Interface verzorgen met de aankoopdienst voor het plaatsen van bestellingen bij leveranciersOpvolgen van QA-besteldossiers inclusief voortgang, respons van leveranciers, …Analyseren van technische documentatie zoals datasheets, constructiedossiers, enz. voor bestelaanvragenScreenen van offertes en kwaliteitsplannen, en contact leggen met leveranciers om eventuele onduidelijkheden te besprekenAansturen van herstellingen bij leveranciers, controleren van leveringen op conformiteit, en vrijgave van materiaal

Electrical Engineer

undefined: Den Haag

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

Develop comprehensive electrical or mechanical designs for E-houses. Investigate and advise on subjects such as mechanical or electrical interfacing, layouts, choice of components, fire safety, HVAC, electrical systems, cabling, and containment. Interface with colleagues on low voltage, medium voltage, and busbar systems. Review basic and detailed designs and project-related documentation. Proactively communicate with customers and suppliers on project-related aspects. Organize and attend Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT). Prepare technical documentation packages. Provide in-office support for production and on-site delivery. Ensure proper project closing and handover. Initiate and execute process, product, and project improvements.

Commissioning Engineer

undefined: Den Haag

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

Complete the commissioning process in accordance with agreed performance indicators, ensuring safety, adherence to schedule, quality standards, and budget. Monitor commissioning results against technical requirements. Ensure the commissioning team follows defined guidelines, processes, and procedures. Act as the onsite technical representative, attending various commissioning meetings and decision-making milestones. Handle site administrative tasks related to commissioning (e.g., scheduling work, updating drawings, closing open items in commissioning systems). Ensure compliance with standards, regulations, laws, quality, and EHS guidelines.

Projektleiter Elektrotechnik (w/m/d)

undefined: Saarbrücken

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Planning & Testing

undefined: 2 undefined

Eine Ihre Hauptaughaben ist das Ausarbeiten von detaillierte Projektsteckbriefe, einschließlich Technikauswahl, Betriebskonzepte, Kostenkalkulationen und Netzbetriebsbeschränkungen. Sie erstellen und verfolgen die Zeit- und Ablaufplänen für die Projektumsetzung. Das Koordinieren und Abstimmen mit internen Abteilungen und externen Partnern, wie Netzbetrieb, Systemführung, Assetmanagement und Einkauf ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil Ihrer Arbeit. Sie überwachen die Projektfortschritte und Leiten die Werksabnahmen.

Projektentwickler / Projektmanager

undefined: Frankfurt am Main

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Research & Development

undefined: 2 undefined

Entwicklung, Planung, Bewertung und Kalkulation von Solarprojekten Analyse potenzieller Standorte für erneuerbare Energien Unterstützung bei Planungsvorhaben unter Berücksichtigung umweltrechtlicher Aspekte Erstellung aussagekräftiger Projektunterlagen Begleitung von dinglichen und kommerziellen Projektprüfungen

LabView Entwickler / Tester (w/m/d)

undefined: Nürnberg

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Software Development & Application Management

undefined: 3 undefined

Arbeiten in einem internationalen Team von Software Ingenieuren an der Entwicklung eines neuen Testsystems auf der Basis von LABVIEW Actor Framework Erfassen von internen Anforderungen im direkten Austausch mit technischenExperten und Produktmanagern Erfassen von Kunden- und Projektanforderungen Erstellung von softwaretechnischen Spezifikationen und Designunterlagen, sowie Dokumentation der erstellten Software Eigenständiges leiten und durchführung von Tests der erstellten Software Im Speziellen arbeiten Sie mitverantwortlich an der Implementierung einer Software in ein Messsystem zur Erfassung und Steuerung von Testsignalen unter Berücksichtigung teilweiser sicherheitsrelevanter Funktionen

Servicetechniker und Inbetriebsetzer (m/w/d)

undefined: Nürnberg

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 2 undefined

Spezifikationswesen durch Mitarbeit an Lasten/ Pflichtenheften im Bereich von Automatisierungssystemen Erstellung von Steuerungskonzepten für Handhabungs- und Inspektionsmaschinen im nuklearen Umfeld Steuerungs- und elektrotechnische Montagetätigkeiten an den Maschinen SPS Programmierung dieser Maschinen, sowie Begleitung von Einstell- und Inbetriebsetzungsaufgaben Begleitung von Serviceeinsätzen unserer internen Kunden Weltweite Reisen für Kundeneinsätze

Technische Redaktion (w/m/d)

undefined: Nürnberg

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 2 undefined

Kommunikation mit dem Produkt- und Projektteam sowie Anwendern Technische Anlagendokumentation Betriebsanlagendokuemtation Inbetriebssetzungsanleitung Wartungsanleitungen Interne Dokumentation CE-Dokumentation Fotografische Dokumentation in der Anlage Endbenutzerdokumenation

Mitarbeiter Endlagerdokumentation (w/m/d)

undefined: Rubenow

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Research & Development

undefined: 2 undefined

Übernahme und Prüfung von Betriebsdaten aus der Konditionierung der Abfallgebinde Überprüfung von Abfallgebinden auf Endlagerfähigkeit Aktivitäts- und Dosisleistungsberechnungen mit dem ReVK/AVK Radiologische und stoffliche Beschreibung von radioaktiven Abfällen für das Endlager Erstellung von Nuklidverteilungen und Stoffvektoren für die Deklaration radioaktiver Stoffe Beladeplanung für Abfallcontainer Bearbeitung von Ablaufplänen und Kampagnenanmeldungen für die Konditionierung radioaktiver Abfälle mit dem Ziel der Endlagerung im Endlager Zusammenstellung und Prüfung von Gesamtdokumentationen für das Endlager Enge Zusammenarbeit mit beteiligten anderen Fachabteilungen

Projektingenieur Genehmigungsverfahren (w/m/d)

undefined: Rheinsberg

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Research & Development

undefined: 3 undefined

Fachbereichsübergreifende Projektkoordination und eigenverantwortliche Umsetzung von Einzelprojekten zur Stilllegung bzw. Demontage von kerntechnischen Anlagen und Systemen Überprüfung, Begleitung und Verfolgung der Projektrealisierung zur Einhaltung der Termine, Kosten, Kapazitäten, Qualitätsanforderungen und deren Dokumentation Ingenieurmäßige Bearbeitung von Planungs- und Genehmigungsunterlagen, Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen und Ausführungsunterlagen Leitung von Projektgesprächen und Teilnahme an Behörden- und Fachgesprächen Erarbeitung von Ausschreibungsunterlagen, Erstellung von Kostenvoranschlägen, Auswertung von Angeboten und allumfängliche Begleitung der fachgerechten Ausführung

Systems Engineer

undefined: Peterborough

undefined: Energy Power Plants

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

Define and manage system-level design requirements with the use of formal management tools. Define and manage interfaces and scope between discipline specific design areas (mechanical, I&C and software). Prepare system-level design documentation. Construct process level and/or component level design Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) in conjunction with the design team. Supporting project level testing and commissioning. Support project level deliverables including but not limited to evaluations, reports, and assessments. Key success factors are engineering and product excellence, effective design activity management, task/milestone completion on-time/on-budget, producing defect free designs, meeting your metrics, motivating a diverse team, managing and achieving results through influencing and setting of expectations/actions. Leading by example, assure compliance and adherence to processes (including internal Business Management System), industry codes and standards, quality systems, policies, and contractual requirements. Support process change through process enhancement, and technology introduction to achieve world-class product development and product deployment. Support customer relationships and ensure market alignment. This position requires interaction with external customers, subcontractors, and cross functional internal teams. May support proposal development and review including scope review, estimating as well as technical presentations to the customer. Helps to identify project risks, analyze solutions, and take decisive action to resolve issues and communicate these to the leadership team. Provide assurance of health and safety associated with the execution of all projects and activities. Short term travel may be required for the purpose of meeting with clients and stakeholders.

Looking to hire employees in Onshore or Offshore Wind?

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