Production Engineers 

Production engineers are highly skilled and independent critical thinkers with proven knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) software and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA). They are eager to improve lean production processes while working alongside innovative engineering teams within the industrial or commercial sectors.


Production engineers search for ways to optimise production processes while working together with diverse and highly skilled team members in design, manufacturing, and/or supply chain roles. Working in production systems engineering, the engineers are involved in product manufacturing from end-to-end requiring both flexibility and proactiveness. Production engineers must be detail oriented while never losing focus of the big picture.


Production systems engineering expertise is crucial to product manufacturing in a broad range of industries. Some of the popular industries right now include software, pharmaceuticals, automotive, aerospace, renewable energy, food and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), among others.


In the pharmaceutical industry for instance, a production engineer may be responsible for minimising bottlenecks in the production of high-quality medicines. In the aerospace sector, an engineer in production may oversee the assembly of an airplane engine.


In fact, all the products that enter our homes have been carefully thought out and planned out by a production engineer at one point in the lifecycle.

Apply now for a job in engineering! 

Werkstudent Sicherheitstechnik (w/m/d)

undefined: Wuppertal

undefined: Renewable Energy

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Unterstützen Sie als Werkstudent das Team in Fragen rund um Arbeitssicherheit, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz Bringen Sie Ihr Fachwissen ein und unterstützen Sie in der Entwicklung von HSE-Strategien Erstellen und analysieren Sie Dokumente und Verfahrensbeschreibungen

Prüfingenieur (w/m/d)

undefined: Wuppertal

undefined: Non-Profit

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Eigenständige Durchführung von Untersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen an Kraftfahrzeugen. Erstellung von Prüfberichten und technischen Gutachten. Kundenbetreuung und Nutzung des eigenen Netzwerks zur Kundenstamm-Erweiterung.

Servicetechniker Elektrotechnik (w/m/d)

undefined: Wuppertal

undefined: Renewable Energy

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Entwicklung und Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen als Verfahrenstechniker. Analyse bestehender Prozesse zur Identifikation von Verbesserungspotenzialen. Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen zur Koordination der Produktion. Wartung und Inspektion von Anlagenbauteilen, inklusive Störungsanalyse und Umsetzung von Sicherheitsvorschriften.

Ingenieur Verfahrenstechnik (w/m/d)

undefined: Wuppertal

undefined: Machine & Equipment Construction

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Entwicklung und Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen als Verfahrenstechniker. Analyse bestehender Prozesse zur Identifikation von Verbesserungspotenzialen. Durchführung von Versuchen für neue oder optimierte Prozesse. Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen zur Koordination der Produktion. Wartung und Inspektion von Anlagenbauteilen, inklusive Störungsanalyse und Umsetzung von Sicherheitsvorschriften.

Ingenieur für Automatisierungstechnik (w/m/d)

undefined: Wuppertal

undefined: Machine & Equipment Construction

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Verantwortlich für die Entwicklung innovativer und effizienter Automatisierungslösungen. Erstellung und Überarbeitung von SPS-Programmen sowie Anpassung bestehender und Entwicklung neuer Programme entsprechend den Anforderungen. Durchführung von Optimierungen und Anpassungen an bestehenden Anlagen zur Steigerung von Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit. Projektierung und Entwicklung von Steuerungen für kundenspezifische Maschinen und Anlagen. Erarbeitung von Automatisierungs- und Steuerungskonzepten.

RF Power Device Engineer

undefined: Nijmegen

undefined: High Tech

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

Implement the physical design (layout) of transistors populating multi- and single-project wafers in close cooperation with RF designers. Be accountable for the thermal assessment of RF dies and discrete components by means of simulations validated against thermal measurements. Contribute to the electro-thermal modeling of transistors. This task entails the electrical characterization of the designed parts, and the generation and validation of their corresponding compact models.

Konstrukteur Maschinenbau

undefined: Production & Manufacturing

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 1 undefined

Entwickeln von Konzepten (für kleine Vorrichtungen bis hin zu Großanlagen) Erstellen von 3 D Modellen Ableiten von Modellen in 2 D Fertigungszeichnungen Erstellen von Stücklisten Bestellen von Kaufteilen Vergabe von Fertigungszeichnungen an Fremdfertiger und an die eigene Maschinenfertigung Fachlicher Austausch im Team

Technisch Projectleider

undefined: BRUSSEL

undefined: Renewable Energy

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

De Technische Projectleider bekleedt een cruciale rol in het beheer van elektrische infrastructuurprojecten, met specifieke focus op hoogspanningsposten variërend van 380 tot 36 kV. Deze functie omvat het volledige traject van projectdefinitie, studie en ontwerp tot aan de uitvoering, indienststelling en administratieve afsluiting. De taken omvatten onder andere het opstellen van gedetailleerde voorontwerpen, het beheren van projectbudgetten en planningen, en het rapporteren aan teamverantwoordelijken. Daarnaast neemt de Technische Projectleider actief deel aan het opstellen van aanbestedingsdossiers en het aankoopproces. Gelukkig kunnen we ook op jou rekenen bij het:Uitvoeren van taken op autonome wijze met regelmatige rapportage aan de ManagerCoördinatie en leidinggeven aan de uitvoering van projecten op locatie in samenwerking met relevante entiteiten (leveranciers, aannemers, enz.)

Ontwerper Elektriciteit

undefined: Brussel

undefined: Industrial Services

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 2 undefined

Als ontwerper elektriciteit speel je tijdens de ontwerpfase een essentiële rol in het voorbereiden en uitvoeren van ontwerp- en detailstudies voor elektrische systemen. Met jouw ervaring zorg je voor de kwaliteit en naleving van normen en methodologieën tijdens het ontwerpproces. Je werkt nauw samen met verschillende belanghebbenden om ervoor te zorgen dat de installaties voldoen aan de vereisten.Gelukkig kunnen we ook op jou rekenen bij het:Opstellen van beschermingsblokschema's en gedetailleerde principeschema'sOrganiseren en beheren van de planning van de studies, met aandacht voor prioriteiten prestatiedoelenTijdens de bouwfase assisteren van de projectleider bij het toezicht op de laagspanningswerkzaamheden op de bouwplaats alsook het onderhouden van contacten met exploitanten, leveranciers en elektrische installatiebedrijven in jouw specialiteitDeelnemen aan technische vergaderingen op de bouwplaats en bijdragen aan het testen en in bedrijf stellen van installatiesOplossen van ontwerp- of uitvoeringsproblemen op de werf, bij einde project zorgen dat de schema’s As Build zijn

Mechanical Engineer (FEED, Detail Engineering)

undefined: Surat

undefined: Oil & Gas

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 5 undefined

Position: Mechanical Engineer;YOE: 15+ Years;Contract: On Contract Rôle ;Location: Hazira Surat.

Bouwkundig Ingenieur

undefined: DOEL

undefined: Industrial Services

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 3 undefined

Als Constructie Ingenieur ben je verantwoordelijk voor het identificeren, analyseren en oplossen van problemen met betrekking tot constructies, beton en gebouwen. Je voert gedegen probleemanalyses uit, stelt effectieve oplossingen voor en zorgt voor de opvolging van implementatie. Daarnaast voer je nauwkeurige berekeningen uit om projecten succesvol te voltooien.Gelukkig kunnen we ook op jou rekenen bij het:Uitvoeren van praktische metingen en analyses om problemen vast te stellen.Opstellen van gedetailleerde rapporten over probleemanalyses en oplossingen.

Instrumentation & Automation Engineer

undefined: Surat

undefined: Oil & Gas

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 5 undefined

Position: Instrumentation & Automation Engineer;YOE: 15+ Years;Contract: On Contract rôle ;Location: Hazira Surat.

Mechanical Engineer

undefined: Wien

undefined: Machine & Equipment Construction

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 2 undefined

As a development engineer, you design mechanical components and assemblies, considering component strength. You act in a customer-oriented manner and evaluate the feasibility and manufacturability of specific customer requirements. You supervise projects from the development phase to the series release. You coordinate intensively with the testing department and introduce improvements. Regular coordination and close cooperation with internal colleagues and customers round off your field of activity.

Instrumentation and Controls Engineer

undefined: Bangalore

undefined: Oil & Gas

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 5 undefined

Position: Instrumentation and Controls Engineer;YOE: 10 + Years;Contract: On Contract;Location: Bangalore.

Civil Engineer

undefined: Surat

undefined: Oil & Gas

undefined: Engineering & Design

undefined: 5 undefined

Position: Civil Engineer;YOE: 15+ Years;Contract: On Contract Rôle ;Location: Hazira Surat.

Common production engineering responsibilities 

In the role as production engineer, responsibilities require performing a range of important tasks to create, test and implement embedded software systems. Responsibilities and tasks may include:

  • Supervising the entire manufacturing process to optimally deliver the highest quality on time;
  • Analysing and diagnosing production line issues and providing recommendations to continuously improve the processes and workflow;
  • Staying updated on the latest advancements in production and engineering, lean methodology and system approaches;
  • Creating and managing production schedules and budgets to ensure smooth production and resource allocation at minimal cost in line with KPIs;
  • Collaborating with team members, including engineers, R&D, logistics specialists and project managers, to develop comprehensive production plans;
  • Providing strategic inputs to enhance existing programs or systems, and to develop new ones in line with best practices;
  • Managing and lead team members, providing coaching support and motivating them to operational success;
  • Safeguarding team members by establishing and implementing safety protocols;
  • Ensuring quality assurance through compliance with relevant production requirements, codes, and certifications, and in line with customer needs and demands;
  • Liaising with a multitude of stakeholders both inside and outside of the organisation such as other internal departments, customers, and suppliers to communicate market or production changes and business solutions.

Qualifications for a production engineer 

At a minimum, production engineers should possess a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics, or a related technical field.


Additional qualifications include:

  • Solid IT skills and interest, with proven experience using CAD software and other control systems software;
  • Experience with process mapping, optimisation, modelling, and performance analysis;
  • Knowledge of supply chain management, logistics, quality management, and operations;
  • Keen attention to detail with big picture strategic thinking capabilities;
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively with people in diverse roles and translate technical information to non-technical team members.
  • If production engineers seek to become a production engineering manager, this requires at least 3 to 4 years of direct management experience.