Australian Project Management Jobs

Job opportunities abound for project managers in Australia, with thousands employed across the country and a projected job growth of 6.1 per cent from 2020 to 2025. It is estimated that by 2027, Australian project management jobs will number well over half a million. While project managers are hired across a wide range of industries, the top five are: construction, finance, information technology, energy, and healthcare.

Project managers influence not only morale, but a company’s bottom line. A skilled project manager is detail-oriented, has excellent communication skills and is able to drive major projects through their entire lifecycle, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget. With average salaries ranging from $110k to $160k across Australia, project managers are often known colloquially as ‘CEOs in training’ and may take on a very broad and high level of responsibility. Tasks may range from hiring and managing a project team, leading project planning meetings and organising tender processes to documenting and reporting risks, presenting reports to senior leaders, and optimising processes and team productivity.