30 years at Brunel - A walk down memory lane
Culture and Values
Culture and Values
What’s it like to work in the same company for decades? Gita joined Brunel Netherlands 30 years ago and is currently working as Senior Invoicing Officer.
After different projects for big organizations in the Netherlands, I was looking for a new opportunity. At the time, Brunel was not as known as it is today. I physically went to a staffing agency with my CV, I told them that I was looking for a job and the type of mission I liked: doing administrative tasks and helping people. I was called soon for a role at Brunel’s new office in Rotterdam.
Yes, vividly! I had an easy interview with the recruiting manager based in Rotterdam. He was a very relaxed person, the interview was very quick. I signed my contract as a management assistant (the equivalent of “sales support assistant” today).
When I started, missions were not split as they are today, I have learned the whole process, from the contracting to the invoicing. Later on, I became the office manager for the IT business lines in Capelle aan den IJssel. In 2000, I joined the shared service center which moved to Amsterdam in 2003.
In 2011, I became Invoicing Team Leader, but I preferred being a project manager, so since 2014 I am happy to be a Senior Invoicing Officer, a job I truly love.
Brunel – via my HR manager - had really helped me by allowing me to spend my time as I could, as I was living in a small village far from Amsterdam with a 1-year-old son. Sometimes, I could arrive later in the office, or leave earlier. In that case, I would organize myself to be able to continue my work outside the office. It was the beginnings of working from home! And of course, back then we did not have the same tools! We were working on Lotus 1-2-3 and MS-DOS.
A visual presentation of Lotus notes from back in the day
Almost everything is different, Brunel now is a very large company compared to 1992.Today, all our processes and software are different. But one thing remains: the warm feeling among the team. This has been part of the DNA of the company from the beginning, and we can still feel it today.
I have had lots of fun during those 30 years! I remember that in the past, once per year we had a secretary day for all the office managers. We were picked up by a limousine and spent a wonderful day in Scheveningen.
The team! We are not only colleagues but also friends. We discuss our job and company news, but we also have also separate messaging groups to discuss more personal topics. The team is fantastic, we are having lots of fun. I have joined 30 years ago but I do not count the years.
All of them, but I would choose Passion for People.
I would have two pieces of advice:
Thank you very much Gita!