
Success and job satisfaction are often linked to high self-confidence. If you have a good dose of self-confidence, you can positively influence your own career in many ways. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the self-confident appearance does not lead to overconfidence. We'll give you some tips on how to get a healthy dose of self-confidence at work or for your next job interview.

Self-confidence is a self-fulfilling prophecy

Self-confidence begins in the mind. Anyone who thinks positively about themselves, is aware of their abilities and considers them valuable has self-confidence. Having trust in yourself and your qualities is therefore the most important basic prerequisite. Only those who have mental strength based on self-confidence can appear and be perceived as self-confident, while people who think they are not good enough or too insecure will also behave insecurely. As a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, self-confidence begins in the mind and is reflected in behavior. The first step to more self-confidence, then, is to develop positive thoughts and believe in yourself. Try some positive self-affirmations each morning to help get you started. 

The way to more self-confidence: embracing discomfort

Especially when you are still new on the job or just starting your career, it can be difficult to appear self-confident to colleagues, customers or your superior. After all, you can't yet know that you are up to the demands of the job.

To help you learn this quickly and avoid too many hindering thoughts, small exercises are helpful. Actively seek out challenges that force you out of your comfort zone. This can be a presentation in a larger meeting, a difficult conversation with your boss or, for example, proactively taking on challenging projects. The more often you master uncomfortable or difficult situations, the more confident you will become. Over time, you will become less and less nervous and will be able to exhibit more self-assurance in dealings with HR managers, superiors and colleagues. The more regularly you practice something, the stronger you become. 

Own your strengths and weaknesses 

Self-esteem doesn't mean that you have to pretend to be flawless. Rather, it's about knowing both your positive and negative traits and using them skillfully.

Our tip: focus on expressing your strengths in order to appear confident, but also be aware of your weaknesses. You can use and develop your talents and abilities in your job or interview. You should know your weak points, accept them and improve upon them if necessary. In the end, this not only results in a healthy self-confidence, but also a better ability to both give and receive constructive criticism. So don't be afraid to be yourself!

Pay attention to others' perceptions of you

In order for your self-confidence to be perceived as a positive quality, it is important that your self-perception matches others' perception of you. Thus, talking about yourself with friends and acquaintances and being open to feedback helps you in two ways. On one hand, it can confirm you in your perception so that you can develop more ease and composure. On the other hand, it can help you counteract arrogant or overbearing traits. If your self-perception matches how others see you, you appear authentic and well-rounded. Especially in your professional life, this is a great advantage. Maintaining casual relationships is much easier when your self-image is the same as the way others perceive you. Because very few people in your work environment know you personally, they get to know you more superficially and pay particular attention to the fact that you "fit into the picture" and come across as authentic.

Clothes make the man

In addition to your inner attitude, your appearance can also have a decisive influence on your self-confidence and thus your success at work. So that you can appear confident in the office or at a job  interview, you should wear clothes in which you feel comfortable. If your outfit not only suits the situation but also your personality, you will radiate self-confidence. It also helps if you focus on exuding confidence in your body language. An upright walk, shoulders pulled back slightly and a smile automatically make you feel good and radiate confidence. But never forget: you are a human being, not a robot. So act naturally!

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