
In order to derive maximum value from their workforce, companies with a foreign presence need to consider some out-of-the-box ideas. Employee relocation can be a viable strategy in many cases, allowing the company to staff an overseas office with a well-established team of veterans while keeping the expenses at a reasonable level.

Companies operating in multiple markets face unique staffing challenges. In addition to attracting and retaining top workers, they also have to decide where to deploy their most valuable cadres. Secondment to another country is an attractive option in some situations, as it may be preferable to hiring local experts. However, this is a sensitive matter and it must be handled professionally and with proactive planning in order to derive maximal benefits for the company and allow the worker to have a pleasant transition. Many international companies lack experience with employee relocation and are consequently avoiding it, which leaves them unable to take full advantage of the global mobility of the workforce. This mistake can easily be corrected with assistance from a professional relocation services provider that has the right expertise for this task.

What are the advantages of international relocation?

Employee relocation from one country to another is a complex process, but its advantages can sometimes be plentiful enough to justify the inconvenience. This is typically done when the company wants to make sure that its human resources are deployed most efficiently, or when there is a need to infuse corporate knowledge into a newly formed unit. In the first case, size of the market and volume of work are the primary factors that direct international relocation of most capable performers, while in the second case a trusted veteran is sent to establish culture in a new location. The common thread is familiarity, as the company already knows how well those employees will perform and can avoid uncertainty associated with foreign workers (and especially managers). Finally, in some cases, it might be economically beneficial to use employees from the home country rather than pay a premium to attract similar level of talent in a more developed market.

The impact on talent retention

There is a hidden benefit of reassignment of top workers to foreign location – most employees who accept this opportunity are likely to be reinvigorated by the change of scenery. This can also prevent them from seeking new thrills anywhere else since the period after arrival to a new country will be very intense and demand firm focus on the present. Secondment can also be a smart solution to inter-office rivalries that would otherwise result in open conflict and probable loss of at least one worker. International relocation can also serve as a wake-up call to those who fail to impress on their first assignment, providing a chance for possible redemption. Taken together, all those factors greatly affect the rate of talent retention and have a sizeable impact on long-term loyalty.

Getting good advice is essential

Instead of walking through unfamiliar territory alone, companies looking to adopt secondment as a staffing tool should enlist professional assistance from Brunel. We specialise in business relocation services and understand administrative, cultural and financial challenges that could appear during this process. With our support, you can formulate a clear and logical secondment plan that fully accounts for the conditions in the local market and lets you capitalise on current trends.

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