International Women's Day

International Womens Day


People and workforce

This International Women’s Day (IWD), Brunel celebrates the diversity and experiences of women. We recognise the value of #inspiringinclusion, a theme that echoes Brunel’s commitment to nurturing a workplace where every individual, feels valued, respected and empowered.

Embracing unconventional paths 

At Brunel, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusivity are not just buzzwords but our greatest assets. Every individual, regardless of background or trajectory, brings a set of unique experiences and perspectives to the table. As we walk through the journeys of women in Brunel Asia and celebrate their achievements, we are reminded that true success knows no bounds. 

When women are inspired to be included and pursue their passions, they bring diverse perspectives to their professional environments, empowering them to surpass their own expectations. We celebrate not only their achievements but also aim to inspire others to pursue their passions without limitations. 

Today, we proudly shine the spotlight on women within our workplace who have fearlessly embarked on unconventional paths. 


Introducing Eve Ng, Senior Recruitment Consultant, Life Sciences - Asia

Eve’s journey with Brunel started over a year ago and is a testament to the diverse talents that enrich the team. Prior to her recruitment career, Eve ran a swim school for close to 10 years and even swam competitively for Singapore! Her background in competitive sports instilled in her the values of discipline, perseverance and, most importantly, teamwork – qualities that continue to define her success in her recruitment journey. 
Driven by a passion for science and a desire to make a meaningful impact in the field of Life Sciences, her journey reflects Brunel's commitment to nurturing talent and empowering individuals to pursue their passion beyond traditional boundaries. This 180-degree shift in her career path from a competitive swimmer to a senior recruitment consultant is a testament of pushing boundaries of what is deemed possible, encouraging women to embrace the transformative potential within themselves.


International Women's Day
International Women's Day
International Women's Day

Working at Brunel has been so much more than just a job for me –it's like being part of a big, supportive community. They see your potential and provide you with the support required to succeed. The trust and encouragement I've received from everyone within the organisation hasn’t just led to new opportunities; but fuelled my drive to strive for more. I'm grateful for the inclusive atmosphere at Brunel, where everyone's voice matters and is listened to. Being in an environment which sets you up for successes empowers you to be better every day.

International Women's Day

Eve Ng

Senior Recruitment Consultant, Life Sciences

Natasha Wu, Business Manager – Renewable Energy

Natasha Wu, our Business Manager for Renewable Energy across Asia-Pacific, has a similar story. Natasha's skills and visionary leadership have been the driving force propelling Brunel to greater heights within the Renewable Energy sector, but it’s a far cry from her original profession as a seasoned scuba diver with over 12+ years of underwater exploration under her belt.


Across her days, both as a scuba diver and a Business Manager, Natasha has always been passionate about sustainability. She embarked on her career journey with a drive to make a positive impact in the renewable energy sector, fuelled by her commitment to sustainability. Her passion and vision have been instrumental in positioning Taylor Hopkinson powered by Brunel as a trusted partner in the Renewables sector, fostering innovation and driving sustainable solutions that benefit communities and the environment alike. Her passion for the deep blue sea matches her dedication to her role, balancing these two worlds adds a special touch to her journey, showing us all that life is all about embracing the unexpected twists and turns.

International Women's Day
International Women's Day
International Women's Day
International Women's Day

Throughout my journey with Brunel, I've been fortunate to have strong support and consistent trust from the team and management. The atmosphere here is all about belonging and inclusivity, which has really helped me not just succeed, but truly thrive. It's been amazing to feel like I'm making a real difference and contributing to our shared success every day.

International Women's Day

Natasha Wu

Business Manager – Renewable Energy

Let’s #inspireinclusion!

On this International Women's Day, lets come together to celebrate the achievements of the women in both our personal and professional lives, and reaffirm our commitment to creating inclusion. Diversity is not only our strength, but also the key to a brighter, more equitable future. Accepting gender identities, encouraging equal access to opportunities, sharing experiences and voicing opinions to empower us all to achieve our business goals and thrive will create better workplaces and a better world for us all. 


Let's inspire inclusion on International Women’s Day 2024 - and every day.
