The ICT infrastructure is the backbone of your company; your business processes depend on it, so its stability is essential. At the same time, new projects or working methods often require flexibility – Brunel Infrastructure services helps you to create an ICT infrastructure that moves forward with your company.
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Advice and support
Our specialists have all the technical know-how required to safeguard stability but also to integrate expansions in existing infrastructures. From ICT issues in Microsoft, VMware or Citrix to implementing your cloud, our specialists can provide you with the right advice and support. We also offer the following services and options:
Cloud Ready Scan
Would you like to know how you can park (part of) your infrastructure in the cloud? The Cloud Ready Scan provides insight into the pros and cons, the impact of implementation, the costs, and how to manage it. Various other scans and surveys are also available – for example, for monitoring virtualisation quality, VDI, controllability, business continuity and impact analysis.

Monitoring and control
Monitoring and control are essential if you want to guarantee a stable and reliable infrastructure and prevent problems. In practice, monitoring is often ad-hoc and reactive. Our monitoring specialists will take over this task, and keep you informed on matters that can influence the functioning of your ICT infrastructure. They’ll give you ready-to-use advice to resolve any bottlenecks detected. If required, we can also take over the management tasks to ensure stability and reliability.
Application packaging and deployment
Technical adjustments are often required when new software and applications need to be simultaneously installed at multiple work stations. This optimisation process is a profession in itself. Brunel infrastructure services can provide you with the best packaging specialists, who will supervise the entire process until everything is working smoothly. We work onsite or remotely and on a project or pay-per-use basis, depending on your specific requirements.
Project support and project management
Do you prefer to know where you stand? Our ICT experts work on a fixed-price basis and make clear agreements on the time schedule and the results that you can expect. We can take control of an entire project or sub-projects, as required. Our work might involve upgrading workstations to Windows 10 or migrating your email environment.